1. Objective
To promote career interests of Asian Pacific American (APA) youth in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as well as to encourage their continued contributions to our community and society, CIE/USA-Seattle chapter organizes scholarship opportunity annually.
2. Scholarship Award Categories
a. CIE Scholarship Award
i. 7th to 9th graders $300 per award
ii. 10th to 12th graders $600 per award
iii. Undergraduate Students $800 per award
b. CIE Special Award:
i. Academic Excellence Award $50 per award
ii. Community Service Award $50 per award
iii. Extracurricular Excellence Award $50 per award
The grade is determined by the incoming quarter/semester as in fall 2023.
3. Applications and Award Schedule
a. Application Deadline: July 9th, 2023
b. Awards Announcement: September 1st, 2023
c. Awards Ceremony: Fall 2023 (CIE/USA-Seattle Annual Gala Award to be confirmed)
4. Award Eligibility
Applicants must meet the following three qualification criteria:
a. Must be enrolled in accredited public or private schools as a full-time student in the Washington State as of June 1st 2023 and continuously study in Washington as full-time schedule in the fall semester 2023.
b. Must come from a family with ethnic Asian Pacific background.
c. Must not be a previous awardee in the same award category
5. Award Selection Criteria
Applicants are graded based on:
a. Academic achievement 30%
b. Volunteer and community services 25%
c. Extracurricular activities or accomplishments 25%
d. Essay 20%
A panel of independent judges will be appointed by the CIE/USA-Seattle. The panel will score the applicants based on the criteria listed above. Scores will be tallied to determine the final scholarship award winners.
6. Application Package and Submittal
Please visit www.cie-sea.org. An application package consists of the following:
a. Application form online (including essay).
b. Copy of current and previous year transcripts in .jpg or .pdf formats uploaded thru online application process. CIE/USA-Seattle reserves the right to request a hard copy of transcripts in a sealed envelope provided by the applicant’s school.
c. One recommendation letter sent directly by recommender to CIE/USA-Seattle via email (ciescholarship@cie-sea.org). Please use the recommendation letter template as provided here.
d. Optional for other applicable national or Washington State test score sheets (such as ITBS, WASL, PSAT, SAT, ACT…)
Other than the recommendation letter emailed directly to CIE/USA-Seattle, all application material must be compiled online during the open application period. CIE/USA-Seattle reserves the right to validate the submitted content. Online submission and recommendation letter are due July 9th, 2023 (5pm PDT). Application materials received after the deadline will be discarded without notification. Please read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) prior to emailing ciescholarship@cie-sea.org with any additional questions.
7. Award Notifications and Award Ceremony
Winners of the awards will be informed via email by September 1st, 2023, and will be invited to attend the CIE/USA-Seattle Award Gala Event scheduled to take place in the fall of 2023. It is mandatory for award recipients to be present at the Gala Event to receive their award; absence will result in disqualification. The APA Scholarship Award Committee will work with the winners and their families to establish the specifics of the award process after they have been informed of their win.
8. Benefits in Addition to the Scholarship Award
a. One-year complimentary CIE/USA-Seattle student membership
b. Volunteer opportunities to support CIE/USA- Seattle professional and community events
c. Opportunities to participate joint-events organized by CIE/USA-Seattle and partners
Lianzhong Wang, Stephen Lee, Howard Wu
Scholarship Committee, CIE/USA – Seattle
Q&A Email: ciescholarship@cie-sea.org
一. 项目目标
二. 奖学金类别
a. CIE 奖学金
i. 初中组 7~9年级 $300 各奖学金
ii. 高中组10~12年级 $600 各奖学金
iii. 大学本科组 $800 各奖学金
b. CIE 专项奖学金
i. 学术突出奖 $50 各奖学金
ii. 社会服务优秀奖 $50 各奖学金
iii. 课外活动优胜奖 $50 各奖学金
三. 提名和颁奖的程序及时间表
(一) 2023年7月9日 截止申请
(二) 2023年9月1日 公布获奖名单
(三) 2023年秋季 颁奖典礼(待定)
四. 申请资格
(一) 必须于2023年6月1日在美国华盛顿州认可的公立或私立学校就读,并在2023年秋季学期是美国华盛顿州认可的公立或私立学校全职学生
(二) 必须有亚太裔家庭背景
(三) 非往年同类别奖学金获得者
五. 奖学金选拔标准
(一) 学业成绩占 30%
(二) 志愿活动和社区服务占 25%
(三) 在科技工程领域的课外活动及成果占 25%
(四) 作文 20%
六. 申请所需材料和递交程序
请访问www.cie-sea.org以了解申请递交的程序以及所需递交的材料, 应包括:
(一) 网上填写申请表(包括作文)
(二) 近两年成绩单复印件,
(三) 一封推荐信。请使用提供的推荐信模板。推荐人须直接将推荐信发送至ciescholarship@cie-sea.org。
(四) 各类考试成绩单复印件(可选),如ITBS、ITED、WASL、 PSAT、 SAT等
七. 颁奖典礼
八. 除奖金之外,获奖学生将得到以下的优惠待遇:
1. 一年期CIE免费学生会员
2. 有机会协助学会主办专业和社会活动,获取社工服务时间
3. 受邀参加CIE与其他协会联合举办的专业社会活动,丰富阅历
Lianzhong Wang, Stephen Lee, Howard Wu
Scholarship Committee, CIE/USA – Seattle
Q&A Email: ciescholarship@cie-sea.org