You are cordially invited to attend the 2020 CIE-USA/GNYC Annual Convention, which will be held as a two-day virtual event on October 17th and 18th and is now open for registration.
The theme for the convention this year is, “Building Resilience against Pandemic through Science and Technology“. Prominent experts in the areas of Cloud Computing, AI, Healthcare, and FinTech will share their insights on how to brave such challenges and support our community through science and technology.
For event details, please visit the convention webpage at:
We look forward to seeing you online at the event.
美洲中國工程師學會大紐約分會(CIE-USA/GNYC)將於今年的10月17日至18日(週六至週日)下午舉行網路上的年會活動。誠摯地邀請您的參與。本會榮幸地邀請到伊利諾伊大學的胡文美教授與伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校的Philip S. Yu教授給予主題演講。
(1) 胡教授是全世界頂尖的GPU專家,同時也是AMD Jerry Sanders Chair Professor of ECE at UIUC。
(2) 俞教授是特聘教授也是全球著名的數據挖掘專家,在Google Scholar上名列全球計算機科學領域高引作者(H-index)前十的華人。
此外年會的專題演講包括 “Cloud Infrastructure and Information Security”, “Digital Health and Healthcare”, “Artificial Intelligence and Data” 與 “FinTech Innovations and Applications”。多位卓越的學者專家,業界領導者與醫生將分享他們的研究與見解。